History – Questions
1) What did the Romans call Scotland?
2) Who was made Lord Mayor of London In 1397, 1398, 1406 And 1419?
3) Who was Henry VIIIs last wife?
4) Who was the youngest British Prime Minister?
5) In which year was Joan of Arc burned at the stake?
6) Which nationality was the polar explorer Roald Amundsen?
7) Who was the first female Prime Minister of Australia?
8) Which English explorer was executed in 1618, fifteen year after being found guilty of conspiracy against King James I of England and VI of Scotland?
9) Which English city was once known as Duroliponte?
10) The first successful vaccine was introduced by Edward Jenner in 1796. Which disease did it guard against?
History – Answers
1) Caledonia
2) Richard (Dick) Whittington
3) Catherine Parr
4) William Pitt (The Younger)
5) 1431
6) Norwegian
7) Julia Gillard (2010-2013)
8) Sir Walter Raleigh
9) Cambridge
10) Smallpox