1. What was the name given to the foreign policy of Kaiser Wilhelm II to transform Germany into a global power?
2. Name the Chancellor of Germany who had been dismissed by Kaiser Wilhelm in 1890.
3. World War I was sparked off by the assassination of the Heir to the Austrian throne. Who was he?
4. Where was Franz Ferdinand assassinated?
5. Name the military plan , devised by Germany before 1914, which would enable her to fight a war on two fronts.
6. Over the invasion of which neutral country did Britain declare war on Germany in 1914?
7. Which 3 countries made up the Triple Entente in 1914?
8. Which countries made up the Triple Alliance in 1914?
9. Name the first major Battle fought on the Eastern Front in August 1914.
10. At which time of the year was a short ‘truce’ held on the Western Front in 1914?
11. What was the name of the famous Battle fought for control of the Dardanelles?
12. Name the ship bound for Liverpool that was sunk by a German U-boat in 1915.
13. Name the WWI battle in which the British suffered 60 000 casualties on the first day in July 1916.
14. Name the WWI battle in 1916 which was supported by the South African 1st Infantry Brigade.
15. Who was the American President during the war I years?
16. Why did America enter World War I?
17. Give the full date of the armistice. (Remembrance Day)
18. Where was the Peace treaty signed?
19. In which year was the treaty signed?
20. Where did most of the fighting in the trenches take place?
Answer World War I quiz:
1. ‘Weltpolitik’;
2. Bismarck;
3. Franz Ferdinand;
4. Sarajevo, Bosnia;
5. Von Schlieffen Plan;
6. Belgium;
7. Britain, France and Russia;
8. Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy (Italy never took part on side of Alliance);
9. Tannenburg;
10. Christmas 1914;
11. Gallipoli;
12. Lusitania;
13. Battle of Somme;
14. Delville Wood;
15. Woodrow Wilson;
16. German reluctance to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare and German attempts to entice Mexico into alliance against USA;
17. 11 November 1918;
18. Hall of Mirrors, Versailles, France;
19. 1919;
20. Western Front, France/Belgium.