January 2022

African Bridges

Top 10 Longest Bridges in Africa

Source: PropertyPro.ng web

  1. 6th October Bridge, 20.5 km, Egypt, Cairo.
  2. Third Mainland Bridge, 10.5 km, Nigeria, Lagos.
  3. Suez Canal Bridge, 3.9km, Egypt, it links the continent of Africa and Asia.
  4. Island bridge, 3.8km, Mozambique, it connects the island of Mozambique to the mainland over the Indian Ocean.
  5. Dona Ana Bridge, 3.67km, Mozambique, a railway bridge to link Malawi and the Moatize coal fields to the port of Beira.
  6. Armando Emilio Guebuza Bridge, 2.37km, Mozambique, the bridge crosses the Zambezi River and connects the provinces of Sofala and Zambezi.
  7. Qasr Al-Nil Bridge 1.9km, Egypt, built across the Nile River.
  8. Wouri Bridge, 1.8km, Cameroon, the bridge joins Douala to the port of Bonaberi. The Bridge is above the Wouri River.
  9. Mkapa Bridge, 970m, Tanzania, Named after Benjamin Mkapa, 3rd President of Tanzania.
  10. Katima Mulilo Bridge, 900m, Namibia, serves as a boundary between Katima Mulilo, Namibia and Sesheke, Zambia.

G20 Countries

Question 1: Name the G20 Countries in alphabetical order

  1. Argentina
  2. Australia
  3. Brazil
  4. Canada
  5. China
  6. European Union (27 Countries)
  7. France
  8. Germany
  9. India
  10. Indonesia
  11. Italy
  12. Japan
  13. Mexico
  14. Russia
  15. South Africa
  16. Saudi Arabia
  17. South Korea
  18. Turkey
  19. United Kingdom
  20. United states of America


Tallest buildings in Africa

Source: Construction Kenya, by Judy Mwende, 2021

  1. Leonardo, South Africa, Sandton (227 meters tall with 56 floors).
  2. Carlton centre, South Africa, Johannesburg (223 meters tall with 50 floors)
  3. Britam tower, Kenya Nairobi (200 meters tall with 31 floors)
  4. CBE headquarters, Ethiopia, Addis Ababa (198 meters tall with 46 floors)
  5. Nairobi GTC office tower, Kenya, Nairobi (184 meters tall with 43 floors)
  6. Ponte City, South Africa, Johannesburg (173 meters tall, 55 storey tower)
  7. UAP tower, Kenya, Nairobi (163 meters tall with 33 floors)
  8. NECOM House, Nigeria, Lagos (158 meters tall with 32 floors)
  9. Tanzania Ports of Authority Tower, Tanzania, DAR-ES Salaam (157 meters tall, 40 storey building)
  10. PSPF towers, Tanzania, DAR-ES Salaam (153 meters tall with 35 floors)

Vocab And Language

Did you know?

  1. Eunoia- shortest word in English that contains all the vowels.
  2. IOUEA- the word has vowels only
  3. Examples of words with five consecutive vowels:
    • Queing
    • Cooeeing
  4. Examples of English words that use all vowels in alphabetical order:
    • Aerious
    • Materious
    • Bacterious
    • Facetious
  5. Examples of words with no vowels:
    • Crwth
    • Rhythm
    • Pygmy
    • Hymn
  6. Common words with all the vowels:
    • Education
    • Automobile
    • Evacuation
    • Remuneration
    • Regulation
    • Authorities
    • Precaution
    • Multimillionaire


source: Nationalgeographic.com

Where are the following deserts located in the world (info in brackets indicate type of desert)?

  1. Antarctica (polar)
  2. Arctic (polar)
  3. Sahara (subtropical)
  4. Arabian (subtropical)
  5. Gobi (cold winter)
  6. Patagonian (cold winter)
  7. Great Victoria (subtropical)
  8. Kalahari (subtropical)
  9. Great Basin (cold winter)
  10. Syrian (subtropical)
  1. Antarctica
  2. Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway
  3. Northern Africa
  4. Arabian Peninsula
  5. China and Mongolia
  6. Argentina
  7. Australia
  8. South Africa, Botswana, Namibia
  9. United States
  10. Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia


sources: from sources across the web

Identify the location of each of the following islands:

  1. Greenland
  2. New Guinea
  3. Borneo
  4. Madagascar
  5. Baffin
  6. Sumatra
  7. Honshu
  8. Great Britain
  9. Victoria
  10. Ellesmere
  1. North Atlantic Ocean
  2. Southwest Pacific Ocean
  3. West Mid-Pacific Ocean
  4. Indian Ocean
  5. North Atlantic Ocean
  6. Northeast Indian Ocean
  7. Sea of Japan – Pacific Ocean
  8. Off the coast of Northwest Europe
  9. Arctic Ocean
  10. Arctic Ocean


source: source across the web

1.Water covers approximately 71% of the Earth.
2.Find the difference between the ocean and the sea.
3.Oceans of the world are:
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Arctic Ocean
Southern Ocean
4.Why is the ocean blue?
5.Why is the water salty?
6.Name the deepest ocean in the world and how deep it is?
7.Name the seas that you know