Source: Various Web pages

1 Which galaxy is home to the Solar system?
2 Which object lost its status as a planet in 2006?
3 what is the Oort cloud?
4 What is the third brightest astronomical object in the sky?
5 How many moons does Mars have?
6 Who discovered the four main moons of Jupiter in 1610?
7 What is the Solar Cycle?
8 What is the Hubble constant?
9 Hydrogen and which other gas make up the majority of the Suns composition?
10 Which star is closest to the Sun?
11 Vesta is which type of heavenly body?
12 The comet with the shortest orbital period of 3.3 years is named what?
13 Which planet has the largest moon in the Solar system?
14 What is a pulsar?
15 How many terrestrial planets are there in the Solar system?
16 How many named constellations are there?
17 What is the name of the largest volcano in the Solar system?
18 Which three stars make the Summer Triangle?
19 Who was the last man on the Moon?
20 What is a supernova?
21 What is an astronomical unit?
22 What is a Coronal Mass Ejection?
23 How many Ice giants are in our Solar system?
24 What is the orbital period of Halley’s comet?
25 What is the escape velocity from the Solar system at the distance of Earth?

1: Milky Way;
2: Pluto;
3: A hypothetical reservoir for comets;
4: Venus;
5: 2 (Deimos, Phobos);
6: Galileo Galilei 1610;
7: Polarity reverse of the Sun;
8: A unit of measurement used to describe the expansion of the Universe;
9: Helium;
10: Proxima Centauri (4.24 light years);
11: Asteroid;
12: Encke;
13: Jupiter (Ganymede);
14: A highly magnetised rotating neutron star;
15: 4, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars; 16: 88;
17: Olympus Mons (Mars);
18: Vega, Deneb, Altair;
19: Eugene Cernan
14 December 1972;
20: A powerful Star explosion;
21: A measure of distance – 1 astronomical unit equals 93,000,000 miles;
22: A massive release of plasma from the Sun;
23: 2 (Uranus, Neptune);
24: 76 years;
25: 42 kilometers per second (93,951 mph).