
Science quiz questions

  1. What does DNA stand for?
  2. How many bones are in the human body?
  3. The concept of gravity was discovered by which famous physicist?
  4. What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?
  5. Which is the main gas that makes up the Earth’s atmosphere?
  6. Humans and chimpanzees share roughly how much DNA?
  7. What is the most abundant gas in the Earth’s atmosphere?
  8. Roughly how long does it take for the sun’s light to reach Earth – 8 minutes, 8 hours or 8 days?
  9. Which famous British physicist wrote A Brief History of Time?
  10. At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal?
  11. What modern-day country was Marie Curie born in?
  12. What is the biggest planet in our solar system?
  13. What name is given for the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom?
  14. How many vertebrae does the average human possess?
  15. What was the name of the first man-made satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957?
  16. Which oath of ethics taken by doctors is named after an Ancient Greek physician?
  17. What is a material that will not carry an electrical charge called?
  18. Which Apollo moon mission was the first to carry a lunar rover?
  19. How many teeth does an adult human have?
  20. What is the study of mushrooms called?

Science quiz answers

  1. Deoxyribonucleic acid
  2. 206
  3. Sir Isaac Newton
  4. Diamond
  5. Nitrogen
  6. 98%
  7. Nitrogen
  8. 8 minutes
  9. Stephen Hawking
  10. -40
  11. Poland
  12. Jupiter
  13. Atomic number
  14. 33
  15. Sputnik 1
  16. Hippocratic Oath
  17. Insulator
  18. Apollo 15
  19. 32
  20. Mycology


General Science knowledge Questions

1. In which modern-day country was the physicist and chemist Marie Curie born?

2. How many wings does a mosquito have?

3. Which is the largest internal organ in the human body?

4. Arachnophobia is the fear of what?

5. What is the collective name for a group of crows?

6. What part of a human body is the Mandible?

7. The rate at which the body produces energy from nutrients is controlled by which gland in the neck?

8. At what speed does light travel?

9. What is the largest moon of Saturn called?

10. Percy Spencer invented which time saving kitchen appliance?

11. Ascorbic acid is a form of which vitamin?

12. What is the name of the light sensitive panel of cells at the rear of the eye?

13. Humans and chimpanzees share roughly how much DNA?

14. What is the biggest planet in our solar system?

15. What is a material that will not carry an electrical charge called?

16. How many hearts do octopuses have?

17. On the periodic table, what symbol stands for silver?

18. How many ribs do you have?

19. Which is the most sensitive of the senses?

20. What is the soft spot on a babies head known as?


1. Poland

2. Two

3. Liver

4. Spiders

5. A murder

6. Lower jawbone

7. Thyroid gland

8. 186,000 miles per second

9. Titan

10. The Microwave cooker


12. Retina

13. 98 per cent

14. Jupiter

15. Insulator

16. Three

17. Ag

18. 24

19. Smell

20. The Fontanelle