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- In your own understanding what is eduction?
- What is the purpose of getting educated?
- What are some of the problems of education in your country?
- How does education help your country?
- What needs to be fixed in the education system of your country?
- What do you learn from other country’s education system?
- How the education system in your country does prepare children for the 21st century?
- Does the education system in your country conduct examination to judge learning?
- How are schools funded in your country?
- Who pays the teachers’ salaries in your country?
- What is the state of school building across the country?
- How many universities are in your country?
- Who funds the universities in your country?
- Who buys the learning materials for the child while still in school?
- Does the education system have a common syllabus for all schools in the country?
- Is your country ready to go on for E-learning from Primary school levels to institutions of higher learning?
- Does your government encourage girls to enter STEM fields?
- Does the education system encourage girls to enter “Science Technology Engineering Math fields”(STEM)?
- What is the level of university drop-outs in your country? Provide reasons
- Topics for discussions: A)Is Home schooling more effective than the regular schooling system?B)Cellphones at schools(YES or No)
- How do you explain the word tourism in your own understanding?
- Do tourists visit your country and why?
- What site is the most worth seeing in your country?
- How many wonders of the world are there in your country?
- Are there heritage sites in your country?
- How does your government promote tourism in your country?
- Does your country encourage medical tourism?
- How does your country attract tourists visit?
- How much of your country’s Gross Domestic Products are made up by the tourism sector in terms of percentage?
- Did the tourism sector in your country experience sudden drop in 2020 ? If so, what was the cause of the drop?
- What is the rate of unemployment in your country?(percentages)
- Which sector has employed most employees in your country?
- What are the basic salaries of employees in the different sectors?
- Does your country have labour unions suggests?(percentages)
- Suggest employment opportunities can be created in your country
- Is favouritism and nepotism common for employment opportunities in your country?
- Does your country have health institutions such as clinics and hospitals?
- Does your country practice universal health coverage(UHC)?
- What is the total budget for the department of health?
- Does your country have institutions for people to further their studies towards careers in health?
- Does your country have a shortage of health workers, if so? Why?
- Are doctors and nurses well paid by the state?
- Which disease is common in your country and what measures have been taken by your government to intervene?
- What are the major causes of death in your country?
- How does your government deal with the following health issues?(10-26)
- Covid-19
- Cholera
- Malaria
- Influenza
- Measles
- Meningitis
- Pneumonia
- Rotavirus
- Tuberculosis
- Typhoid
- Yellow fever
- Ebola
- Dengu
- Hanta viruses
- Syphilis
- Zika
- Do patients raise complains about health systems in your country?
- Is it affordable to see private medical assistance in your country?
- Is medication available/ enough to be provided to patients after consultation in government hospitals, if not, suggest a solution to the government.
- Any comment on the health system in your country?